
It feels like coming home…

Hi, I’m Melissa, I sometimes go by Missy or Mel.  Thanks for stopping by Compassionate Odyssey, more content will be added soon– be sure not to miss out on the relaunch of our first blog going live soon! 

Teacher Melissa || 4th Grade || Sept 2018-December 2018


I first started blogging under the name Compassionate Odyssey when I was in college and going on multiple missions trips to Mexico, Uganda, and Zambia it was a blog where I shared what I was processing and shared the story of what God was doing in my life and in those around me. I absolutely loved it, the words would ooze out of me. I wanted to write, but I also simply needed to write.

Then I went through some really tough stuff, and like so many people when hard things happen, I got quite. I folded into myself and hid with my hurt thinking that was how I was going to heal. I think in part I tend to do this because I felt shame and embarrassment about my pain. For me, I really didn’t have control over what was happening and but I did have control over my writing.

It was around the same time that I met my now husband Dave (more on us/him/our life together later)– he’s my favorite person.

Suddenly, it’s now six years later– we have now been married for 3 1/2 years– and I’ve only written one or two blog posts in that time. When I first got married literally everything in my world changed in the matter of a few months; we moved to a new town, my name changed, I was living with a man that I loved for the first time in my life, we had to buy a new car cuz mine was toast, I was finishing school, and changing jobs, my new husband had a new career. Maybe you have had changes like that in your life also? The pandemic? Getting married? Getting divorced? Ya’ll, all I can remember at the time is that it felt like it was just a Ioooooot. I was excited to be living this new life, and also I didn’t know how to feel like me.

Mr. & Mrs. Epperson || Chelan WA || 2019

My sister and I were on the phone last Friday chatting when she asked such a great question, “What do you think makes you feel the most like you?” It’s actually a pretty hard question when you get down to it, try and ask yourself, I dare you?! So, when writing finally came to mind, I had to ask myself, “Melissa, why did you stop in the first place…?

The embarrassingly raw answer is, I felt like I had “lost” myself for a few years, but now I’m learning to come back home to myself in a new way. I’m unlearning and relearning; I’m healing and hoping; I’m finding my words and my voice again. Odyssey refers to a homecoming.

So whether your married or not, a momma or not, even if you believe in God or not… there is a spot here at the table for you… come grab a warm cup and grab this free spot to settle in next to me. Let me tell you a story, because I’m so glad you’re here.

Compassionate Odyssey is a place where I’ll talk about finding a home where my feet are, finding a home with my husband, and finding my home with Jesus. I plan to talk about everything from my faith and stories from our life ‘on mission’ as Young Life Staff and leaders; to stories as a wife and (someday) mother too. I also, plan to talk about love stories of all kinds. If any of that sounds interesting to you, sign up to receive email updates when a new post goes up live or follow me on Instagram!

There is some FREE Bible Study content under the tab titled: Yesu tab.

You can connect with me on FacebookInstagram, and Pinterest also! Thanks for joining me on this renewed adventure, this coming home odyssey.

All my love,


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